Chiropractic Treatments for Knee Pain
Minor knee issues may be alleviated with rest and minimal medical intervention, however, chronic knee pain problems can develop into debilitating conditions that make simple daily activities like climbing stairs or taking a walk quite painful and challenging. When your quality of life has been significantly affected due to knee pain, Fromer Chiropractic, Inc. chiropractors are available to identify the underlying cause of your problem and provide and effective chiropractic adjustments to restore mobility without the use of surgery or potentially harmful medications.
Causes and Conditions Associated With Knee Pain
Most often related to sports injuries and excessive strain due to repetitive and strenuous movement, knee pain is also associated with a range of conditions that include tendinitis, arthritis and more serious cartilage and ligament injuries that require immediate medical intervention and addressed in the long term with a customized chiropractic care plan.
The Kinetic Chain
An intricate system of ligaments, tendons, cartilage and muscle, the knee is also prone to injury that actually starts in other areas of the body. Ankle, foot and hip pain for example, will eventually affect the functioning of the lower leg due to the increased pressure on surrounding joints causing misalignments resulting in knee pain and knee problems. Weight gain is also a significant factor responsible for increased knee pain with every one pound of body weight yielding five extra pounds of force on the knee. Fromer Chiropractic, Inc. provides complete physical evaluations that pinpoint the reason behind a chronic knee issue and offer treatment plans to balance and heal the related affected areas.
Sports Injuries Associated With Knee Pain
The repetitive physical motion involved during cycling and running activities can eventually cause muscular misalignments due to the excessive pressure placed on knee joints. Sports such as soccer and participation in running marathons for example, or other recreational activities like dancing can cause wear and tear over time that lead to swelling, stiffness and the tissue degeneration associated with arthritis.
Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
The most common form of arthritis in the knee, osteoarthritis is a progressive wearing away of cushiony knee cartilage. Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee is another inflammatory condition that affects joint function and most often affects both knees. Fromer Chiropractic, Inc. chiropractic care is designed for your particular knee problem and provides relief from chronic knee pain associated with a range of degenerative conditions.
Knee Cartilage Tears
Knee cartilage is a flexible yet extremely durable tissue comprised of two menisci that protect the knee joint. Although surgery is often recommended when a meniscus tear occurs, a thorough consultation with an experienced Fromer Chiropractic, Inc. chiropractor can alleviate knee pain, speed up the healing process and may help to avoid surgery altogether.
How a Chiropractor Can Help You With Knee Problems
Our qualified chiropractor will carefully evaluate your degree of knee pain, flexibility and general mobility function. Alignment issues in other areas of the body are also carefully addressed to determine any and all underlying causes of a knee problem. Fromer Chiropractic, Inc. chiropractic treatments include adjustments and lifestyle recommendations geared toward improving mobility and relieving chronic pain.
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